The World of the Wazzlewoods


The World of the Wazzlewoods: A Fern & Dale Fairy Tale

What in the world is a wazzlewood? Fern and Dale find out when they move to Cream City and discover a magical world full of adventure. Join them as they make new friends, encounter enemies, and learn to see things, not as they seem to be, but as they are. The perfect chapter book for young readers (grades 2-4) and great as a read-aloud.


Also available at Butterfat Books.

Also available in print and eBook at Amazon.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Too often our obsession with traveling and becoming ‘enlightened’ cosmopolitans causes us to forget the magic of our own backyard – Bramwell’s work rhymes with Chesterton’s assertion that “To conquer [foreign cities] is to lose them. The man standing in his own kitchen-garden, with fairyland opening at the gate, is the man with large ideas.” Wazzlewoods encourages us to find the beauty and fairytale magic in our own communities, thus enlivening a sense of local pride.

Emily Cockran (Wittenberg Academy, teacher of philosophy, literature, and history)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

We picked these up at a charming bookstore while visiting the town of Ferndale this summer because the author was local to the town. It was a delightful surprise. My 7 year old now says that this is one of his favorite series to read on his own now (and we read A LOT so that says something!).

ekjojo (Amazon)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Yes, the kids will love it! Charmingly fun story! We can’t wait for more Wazzkewoods stories. This is one of the first chapter books I’ve read to my children. When we finished, my kiddos begged to read it again. The characters are fascinating and loveable. A mix of toy story meets magic. I will read this in my classroom too. We will be visiting the wonderous Cream City again!

J.H. (Amazon)

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